Generally, the basic Press Pass Photo Requirements are nearly synonymous with the requirements of most Passport photo requirements. The following are the requirements to consider when getting your photo taken for iNA’s Application for Press Credentials.
Press Pass Photo Requirements:
Sample of photo margins You must supply one (1) photo with your application.
- Any Press Pass Application submitted with a photo that does not conform to these guidelines will automatically get disqualified.
- Furthermore, any Press Pass Application submitted without a photo will be automatically disqualified. (Please note: the upload functionality is still being tested and put into place, so grace is currently extended)
- Photo must be recent so as to be an accurate depiction of your current appearance. For example, no older than six (6) months old.
- If any submitted photo is deemed unsuitable or unusable by us, we will indicate the reason(s) to you.
- It is your sole responsibility to provide, at your expense, a photo iNA deems suitable.
- The photo must be digital (jpg format only).
- Photo must be reasonable resolution/quality. Images of less than 300 dpi (or equivalent) will not be used (higher is better).
- Your photo must be in full color (a black & white, or sepia photo will be rejected).
- Photo must be clear and in focus (a blurry, grainy or out of focus photo will be rejected).
- You must not have anything covering your face in your photo (not even glasses).
- You must not wear a hat in your photo.
- Additionally, you must be against a SOLID WHITE background (No exceptions!).
- Furthermore, you must wear a presentable shirt with a collar (men), Presentable shirt or blouse (woman). In both cases it must be of a dark color and either solid or lightly stripped. This is so that the photo will have good contrast against the white background.
- Suite & tie is also acceptable. However, this is just optional. Therefore, anything that is presentable and professional looking is what we are looking for. Bear in mind, tee-shirts, muscle shirts, unprofessional or unpresentable attire will be rejected.
- The photo must have good lighting. So, please consider going to a photo-studio if appropriate. To be clear, any dark or otherwise unusable photo will be rejected by iNA.
- Your face must be facing forward, not tilted, with a pleasant yet neutral expression. To clarify, overt smiles, frowns or similar expressions will not be accepted.
- Photo must not be cropped too closely (cutting off the top or sides of head, or bottom of chin)
- In conclusion, think of this as going to get a Passport style photo.
If you have any doubts about the outlined Press Pass Photo Requirements, please do not hesitate to contact us for further clarification! (link opens in new browser window)